Dilation, which can cause temporary blurry vision and sensitivity to light, usually lasts between 4-6 hours. We recommend wearing sunglasses. 

Please arrive 10-15 minutes before your scheduled appointment.


Dr. DeVaro or Dr. Bennett will perform a complete eye examination, which includes dilation for the majority of our new patients.


These new patient appointments can take 11/2 to 2 hours, so please plan accordingly. Our staff is happy to provide you with a school or work excuse.  

After Your Visit


-Completed New Patient Forms (if able)

-Parent or Guardian's Photo I.D.

-Parent or Guarantor's Insurance Card

-Patient's Current Glasses

What to Bring

Before Your Visit

Please complete our paperwork found here.  




Please review our Notice of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information.




Please ensure that your insurance or your child's insurance will be active at the time of your appointment. Please see the Billing & Insurance tab for more information.  


If your child has been treated by another ophthalmologist or optometrist, please complete a medical records release and provide it to us so we can obtain your child's records.  

What to Expect